Monday 10 February 2020

The Purist Approach to enjoying Great Literature & Classical Music

Human nature being what it is, one does not attach value to objects for which one has not paid. So it is essential to buy books or music,  incidentally also ensuring payment to the creators of the works.

In the case of books, one should buy the finest edition one can afford, & start reading immediately & regularly until it is completed.

One should read with 100% attention, preferably with no distractions like music, avoiding disrespect to the music if it is good enough to be listened to on its own.

In the case of music, Vinyl or CD should be the preferred medium, played on the best audio system one can afford. No other activity like reading should be indulged in, as in Classical Music, enough will be going on to absorb one's fullest attention.

Such should be the way of worshipping Goddess Saraswathi, who is the incarnation of Literature & Music.