Neuroscience & Panchakosha
Dr. V. S. Ramachandran, the eminent neuroscientist, in his path-breaking book "Phantoms of the Brain" discusses the curious case of amputees still feeling their missing limb. He quotes the case of Tom Sorenson, whose left arm above the elbow was removed. But he could feel every part of the missing "phantom" limb. Other patients also after waking up from anasthesia, are incredulous when told that their arm had to be sacrificed, because they still vividly feel its presence.
It is curious that the learned doctor, in spite of his Hindu origin, has not made even a passing reference to the "Panchakosha" theory of Hindu philosophy, even though it may not be accommodated in mainstream Western Science.
The "Panchakosha" (five sheaths) are mentioned in the Taittiriya Upanishad of Krishna Yajurveda. These are supposed to cover the "Atman" (soul) & comprise:
1.Annamaya Kosha (Food sheath)
2.Pranamaya Kosha (Breath sheath)
3.Manomaya Kosha (Mind sheath)
4.Vijnanamaya Kosha (Intellect sheath)
5.Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss sheath)
Of course, if one dissects a cadaver, one finds only the Annamaya Kosha. Rene Descartes postulated the (artificial) seperation of the body & mind. But Leonardo da Vinci was the first to discover the "holistic science" & considered them inseparable. In the twentieth century, the physicist Fritjof Capra demonstrated that most illnesses are psycho-somatic in origin, finally dispelling the dichotomy between body & mind. This may be considered to integrate the first three koshas, even if only the first is perceived by the senses.
Taking this analogy further, the pain or feeling in the phantom limb may be considered to be felt because of the unseen presence of the third & fourth koshas. In fact, one may even argue that the "phantom limb" phenomena proves the panchakosha theory!
As William Shakespeare's Hamlet says
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
(or Western Science in this case!)
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