Sunday 2 May 2021

The Hindu practice of "Madi" in Covid times

The relevance of "Madi', though much reviled, has come back in medical guise in these troubled times. Even in the western Mother Goose nursery rhyme of "Mulberry Bush", the following lines emphasise hand washing.

"This is the way we wash our hands, 

Wash our hands, wash our hands, 

This is the way we wash our hands,

On a cold and frosty morning."

Of course, it can be taken to extremes like the guilt-driven Lady Macbeth's "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" of washing off her spots of blood.

Also the avoidance of shaking hands, embracing & kissing on the cheeks is thoroughly in line with the traditional Hindu practice of folding one's hands in "Namaskara" at a distance from the other person. This is both graceful, respectful & hygienic.

The mandatory "six feet distance" was also common earlier, though may be it was observed more with persons of different social status.

The Jain Sadhus & Sadhvins also use a facial mask more to prevent inhaling microscopic germs as part of "Ahimsa."

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