Sunday 24 April 2022

A Murine Robinson Crusoe

In William Steig's "Abel's Island", one finds Abel, an anthropomorphic mouse, separated from his wife, during a storm while they are picnicking. He had an income from his mother & had no need to work. However he was observant & well read, and  had survival skills.

He, like Defoe's hero, was stranded on an island. But unlike Crusoe, who salvaged many items from his ship, Abel had nothing. Also Crusoe had no wild animals to contend with, whereas Abel had to face deadly enemies like an owl & his natural nemesis, the cat. The novel narrates, how by using his brain & being perseverant, Abel managed to survive an year in the island. 

He also meets a frog, (like Crusoe meeting Friday), who was quite friendly with him & promises to inform his wife about his whereabouts. But the frog forgets to do so & Abel finally swims to safety, when the water level in the river reduces & reaches his home to the loving company of his wife.

It is also implied, that chastened by his experience & using the skills acquired during the year, he may become economically independent of his mother.

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