Sunday 28 July 2024

Gradation of Divine Excellence in Gita & Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

In Chapter 10 of the Gita, Lord Krishna defines His Supreme Excellence in all fields.

He says:

Of the Adityas, I am Vishnu.

Of luminaries, the radiant Sun.

Of the winds, I am Marichi.

Of the asterisms, the Moon.

I am the Sama Veda of the Vedas.

And Indra of the gods.

Of the senses, I am Manas,

And Intelligence in living beings am I.

Of the Rudras, I am Shankara, 

Of the Yakshas & Rakshasas, Kubera.

Of the Vasus, I am Pavaka,

And of the mountains, Meru am I.

Know Me among horses as 

Uchchaisshravas (Seven headed white flying horse, created during Amrita Manthan);

Of lordly elephants, Airavata;

And of men, the King.

In "The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna", (July 15, 1885), Sri Ramakrishna appraises Narendra  (later Swami Vivekananda) like this:

Some are like lotuses with ten petals;

Some like lotuses with sixteen petals;

Some like lotuses with a hundred petals;

But among lotuses, Narendra is a thousand petalled one.

Other devotees may be like pots & pitchers;

But Narendra is a huge water barrel.

Others may be like pools or tanks;

But Narendra is a huge reservoir.

Among fishes, others are like minnows;

Narendra is a huge red-eyed carp.

Narendra is a very big receptacle

Which can hold many things.

Like a bamboo with a big hollow inside.

He is like a male pigeon;

If you hold it by its beak, 

It breaks away from you.

So does Narendra break away from

The attraction of sense pleasures.

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