The protagonist is a successful architect, who has lost both his parents at an early age. His mentor at work, a father-figure, also dies suddenly. The architect sinks into depression & is advised to adopt elderly parents from an old people's home as a therapy. He does so & recovers. Later he marries his friend's sister, after making sure that she is also happy to live with his adopted parents. When he is away on a business trip, she faints in the bathroom due to the onset of pregnancy & is rescued from mortal peril by the resident (adopted) parents-in-law. Later the baby arrives. Meanwhile the real son of the elderly man, who had abandoned him, accidentally meets him & invites him to come back to him. The father refuses, saying that the bonds of love are stronger than those of DNA.
This story & film successfully challenge the two stereotypes accepted as normal now. One the obsession with dating girlfriends being the top priority for young men, ignoring their duty to care for their parents & secondly the consequent proliferation of old age homes, which, the kind-hearted manager of one himself says are a shame on our society.