Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Newton's Third Law & Theory of Karma

Newton's Third Law states that for every action there is an equal & opposite reaction. If this applies to the physical world, the Hindu Law of Karma, (which is gaining traction in the Western world also now), states that humans have to reap the consequences of their actions, whether good or bad. Some even believe that the karma of any action is embedded in the action itself. 

Buddhism also subscribes to this belief. A story goes that during the Buddha's life, an person was punished for a crime of which he was innocent. When the Thathagata was asked about it, he replied "It is his "Kamma" (Karma) because he had escaped punishment for a heinous crime in an earlier life, he is paying for it in this life, even though he is innocent in this life."

More recently also such a situation happened. A very popular spiritual leader, credited with saving many lives, was asked about it. He also said "Yes, I am also aware that he is innocent now, but he had escaped punishment for his bad deeds in a previous life, so he is paying for it now."

The rich & famous may hire clever unscrupulous lawyers to escape the human law, but the Divine law will inevitably catch up with them, sooner or later.

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