Wednesday 3 February 2021

"Kalyan" Group of Ragas in Hindustani Music

These occupy a pre-eminent place in the repertoire of evening ragas. Also "Yaman", the most popular of these, is traditionally the first Raga to be taught to a student. These generally belong to the "Kalyan Thaat" in the ten "Thaat" system of classification.

1. Shuddha Kalyan

This uses only the notes in the parent Thaat, but pentatonic in ascent, dropping the Madhyam & Nishad but using all notes, in a convoluted way in the descent.

2. Yaman Kalyan

The name is a bit of a misnomer, because the distinguishing factor of this Raga is the use of Shuddha Madhyam in a unique way, in addition to the Teevra Madhyam basic to the Kalyan Thaat.

3. Maluha Kalyan

This is a rare variety using only the Shuddha Madhyam with plenty of zig-zag movements of the notes to distinguish the raga. Pandit Nikhil Banerjee has recorded this.

4. Gorakh Kalyan

This is another rare type, again using only the Shuddha Madhyam & omitting the Gandhar & Pancham & using the Komal Nishad. This has been recorded by Ustad Rashid Khan.

5. Shyam Kalyan

This is a quite popular raga, especially among the Etwah gharana Sitarists. The Gandhar & Dhaivat are omitted in the ascent but all notes with the Shuddha Madhyam also as a grace note after Gandhar, being the noteworthy factor.

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