Wednesday 2 February 2022

"Divinely abled." Spiritual Connotations.

Persons with handicaps are now called "Divinely abled." The viewing of a lack of faculty as "Divine" can have wider meanings. In Hindu philosophy, the six passions, "arishadvargas", normally present in all beings, are viewed as enemies, & conquering them, a desirable spiritual objective. That is, the absence of these normal attributes, is considered as an aspect of Divinity. Regarding the most powerful of the six, Desire, the Semitic religions also concur in this, giving it an universal status. In the Bible, in Corinthians (7, 7-9), St. Paul says "I say to the unmarried, it is better to stay unmarried, like Me." In Matthew 19:12, it says "(Blessed are those), who have made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven." Even in Islam, where celibacy is frowned upon, the Prophet himself reputedly appeared in a dream to the father of Rabia of Basra & said "Your newly born daughter is a favourite of Allah, & will lead many Muslims to the right path." When asked to marry when she came of age, Rabia said, "The tie of marriage applies only to those who have being. Here (for me), being has disappeared, for I have become naught & exist only through Allah." She is venerated widely among Muslims even now.

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