Friday 18 February 2022

Relevance of Kena Upanishad now

There is a story in Kenopanishad of how the Devas, Agni & Vayu were gloating over their victory over Danavas, saying like Muhammad Ali, how "They are the Greatest." Then God came in disguise & tested them with a blade of grass, which Agni could not burn & Vayu could not blow away. Humbled, they were told that nothing can happen without the will of God.

The same idea is in the Bible "Let God's Will be done." Pious Muslims also say "Inshallah" before any prayer. This is particularly relevant now when religious polarisation is rearing its ugly head. Kenopanishad can be interpreted to mean even the appearance of Christianity & Islam is also the Will of God, because He felt the people of those lands needed them at that time. This idea is further reinforced by the teachings of Hindu reformist Saints like Shirdi Sai Baba (who said Allah Malik), Sri Ramakrishna (who did Sadhana in Christian & Islamic way also & reached the goal), Ramana Maharshi, & Sri Satya Sai Baba (whose first task was to renovate a mosque.)

Unfortunately now, the extremist fringe of all religions have taken centre stage, being vocal in the social media as well, giving the exaggerated  impression that various religions are at loggerheads. But Hinduism, being the oldest, has always said "Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu" & not "Jesus is the only way" or "Allahu Akbar" as argued irrationally by the fanatics. The real Saints of the later religions like Julian of Norwich &  Rabia of Basra have never subscribed to these views.

These misreadings of religion have been aggravated by the Hindu obsession with Goddess Lakshmi, even though fully aware that she is fickle. Matthew (6:24) says "You cannot serve God & Mammon (Wealth). Quran (102:1) "Your hearts are taken up with wordly gain from the cradle to the grave." Religion is seen only as a way of getting more worldly benefits rather than as a way of reaching God. It should be stressed that Moksha (union with God) is the ultimate goal of life in Hinduism.

In the developed countries, rise of science & subsequent standard of living, good social security, have eroded belief in God. Ironically, organised religions have become self-perptuating institutions, defeating the purpose of direct human contact with God. It can be recalled that both St.Joan of Arc & St.Bernadette were persecuted by the Church for their mysticism. Thomas Paine, a founding father of American Independence & a believer in God, had no faith in any organised religion. When religions fail to fulfill their true purpose, the law of entropy takes over & the universe tends to descend to chaos with human behaviour unworthy of the name, being accepted & celebrated.

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