Tuesday 4 August 2020

Program Music

This is western classical music, which tells a story through tonal colours, as opposed to abstract or "pure" music, which has no extra musical meaning.

The most famous is Beethoven's "Pastoral Symphony", which has movements titled as

  1. Joyous sensations roused by arrival in the country.
  2. Scene by the brook.
  3. Merry gathering of country peasants.
  4. Thunderstorm.
  5. Glad & grateful feelings after the storm.

Another spectacular work is Berlioz's "Symphony Fantastique". This expresses  the narcotic dreams of a young musician in love, ending in the horrors of hell in five different movements named:

  1. Dreams & Passions
  2. A Ball
  3. Scenes in the country
  4. March to the scaffold
  5. Dream of a Witches' Sabbath.

The movements are unified by a recurring theme called "idee fixe."
Many symphonic tone poems of Richard Strauss are also program music, like "Don Quixote", "Don Juan" & "Till Eulenspiegel."

These program music compositions appeal to a wider section of listeners for obvious reasons.

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