Thursday 12 January 2023

Similarity in Spiritual Disciplines

Thoughts & practices may vary wildly among organised religions giving rise to strife, but spiritual truths are strikingly similar across the board universally.

In Patanjali Yogasutras. Yoga is defined as primarily mind control. 

Astanga Yoga prescribes eight steps.

1. Yama consisting of non-violence, truth, non-stealing, celibacy & non-acceptance of gifts.

2. Niyama includes cleanliness, contentment, austerity & study.

3. Asana or posture.

4. Pranayama (breath control)

5. Pratyahara (withdrawal)

6. Dharana (concentration)

7. Dhyana (meditation)

8. Samadhi (total absorption)

The ten perfections of Buddhism.

1. Generosity 

2. Virtue 

3. Renunciation

4. Wisdom 

5. Effort 

6. Forbearance

7. Truth 

8. Resolve 

9. Loving kindness

10. Equanimity.

Works on Yoga depict also depict ten chakras, namely ida, pingala, susumna, muladhara, svadisthana, manipura, anahata, visuddha, ajna & sahasrara which is the final destination of the Kundalini Shakti, on reaching which the Yogi will go into Samadhi.

In her book "Interior Castle", St.Teresa of Avila describes the Castle as made up of seven mansions (or rooms) through which the soul progresses towards divine communion with God. The door of the Castle is opened by prayer. The first mansion enjoins penance & mortification. The second encourages faith & perseverance. The third, humility. In the fourth, health may fail, soul may become melancholy & one may be tempted to even give up prayer. If one persevers, in the fifth mansion, one glimpses some of the delights & favours bestowed by God & should abhor all selfish thoughts. In the sixth, one should think only of God & is attended with great bodily infirmities. In the seventh, the soul, which was like a caterpillar, transforms into a beautiful butterfly or in other words, consummates the spiritual marriage with God.

In "The Ladder of Divine Ascent" by St. John Climacus, there are 30 rungs.

1. Renunciation 





6. Remembrance of Death 

7. Joy-making mourning 

8.Freedom from anger 

9.Forgetting wrongs 

10. No slander 



13.Avoid despodency 

14.Restrain appetite 


16.No avarice 

17. Non   possessiveness 

18.Insensibility to body 

19.Little sleep 

20.Practice vigil 

21.Avoid cowardice 

22.Avoid vainglory 

23.Avoid blasphemous thoughts 


25.Destroy passions 

26.Be discerning 

27.Stillness of body & mind 

28.Blessed prayer 


30.Concerning the supreme Trinity.

Rabia, a Muslim Saint, said "Marriage is for those who have a phenomenal existence. In my case, existence has ceased & I have passed out of self. My existence is in Allah & I am altogether His." A rich man, seeing her house dilapidated, built a new house for her. She came, saw the new house & told the man that she feared she may get attached to the house & take her mind away from Allah & refused the gift. Here one can see Rabia practising celibacy & "aparigraha" (regarding the house) which is a cardinal virtue especially in Jainism.

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