Wednesday 11 January 2023

Suffering for Salvation

In all religions, mortification is a part of religious activity. From fasting to more severe forms of penance are observed. Especially mortification is important in Jainism, including "Sallekhana", i.e., fasting to death at the end of life. But mystics took this to a new high level as detailed below.

"Make me lame so that I can't wander

Make me blind so that I can't see

Make me deaf so that I can't hear

Let me not think of anything

Except You, Kudala Sangama Deva."


Make me beg for food at every house

If begged for, make them refuse.

If given, make it spill on the ground.

If I bend down to pick the split food,

Make a dog snatch it before me


Akka Mahadevi

Rabia of Basra desired to be rather cast into the pit of hell & excluded from heaven but vouchsafed with love of Allah.

Taking this mentality to the extreme limit, St. Julian of Norwich actually wanted to experience the pain of crucifixion to totally identify with Jesus Christ!

"Suddenly it came to my mind that I should desire that He would fill my body & mind with the feeling of his blessed Passion (crucifixion). With Him I desired to suffer living in my mortal body, as God would give me Grace.

From "Revelations of Divine Love."

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