Saturday 28 January 2023

Zena Hitz & Kashiyatra

"Lost in thought: The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life" by Zena Hitz, Professor of Classical Philosophy (Published by Princeton University Press) examines the supreme delights of an intellectual life. But she posits a preparation of an ascetic way of life, shorn of all modern trappings, to enter this life. The rewards are the fruits of human life flourishing in peace & leisure; study & reflection, art & music, prayer & celebration.

She also celebrates a love of learning for its own sake as opposed to learning to acquire wealth or status. The supposed "uselessness" of the liberal arts education actually make humans truly realise their potential as human beings & not as mere animals.

Interestingly, the same idea of learning as an end in itself, is embodied in the "Kashiyatra" ceremony before a South Indian Marriage. The groom is supposed to travel to Kashi (Varanasi), the centre of Hindu learning to embark on a life precisely similar to that described by Prof. Hitz above! It is to be noted that it was considered a life of learning was the default option for the young man rather than a married life, which is a (necessary?) compromise.

Before dismissing this as an Utopian pipe dream, one can observe the purely spiritual companionship of Yagnavalkya & his two wives, Katyayani & Maitreyi. Nearer our own time, Sri Ramakrishna & Sri Sarada Devi formed an ideal couple. Though they were not of course married, Sri Aurobindo & The Mother complemented each other's spiritual work.

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